The maximum total pay-out limit per Customer per day is 5,000,000.00 ZAR (Five Million Rand). For the avoidance of doubt, this means that no Customer may be paid out more than a total of 5,000,000.00 ZAR (Five Million Rand) in respect of any number or combination of winning betting tickets resulted on a single day, other than Insured Winning Entries, to which the limitation in this clause does not apply.
For all insured entries, all bets placed via the Website by a Customer that is a resident of South Africa in which there is any winner of the Underlying Lottery in a Type A or B Prize Category, will be capped at 500,000,000.00 ZAR (Five Hundred Million Rand) per Customer, irrespective of the number of winning bets placed by such Customer on the outcome of the relevant Underlying Lottery.
Type C Prize Category payouts are as per the underlying lottery.